If you are sexually active, then it is recommended you get tested regularly. The more sex you have, the more often you should have a sexual health check-up to test for HIV and other STIs. It is a good idea to get tested more frequently but you should get tested at least once a year. Some people are recommended to get tested more frequently, such as every 3 months for men, including trans men, who have sex with other men.
If you are starting a new relationship, you should both have a check-up because one of you may have caught an STI from a previous partner.
All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are eligible for an annual health check, called a 715 Health Check. Tests for HIV and other STIs can be part of this. These 715 Health Checks are free at Aboriginal Medical Services and bulk billing clinics. If you’re not sure if it will be free, ask the clinic. Let your doctor know that you would like to get tested for HIV and STIs as part of your 715 Health Check. For more information about the 715 Health Check, check out: 715 Health check and watch this video:
Many STIs often show no symptoms (signs). Testing is the only way to know.
If you do have symptoms, these can include things like an unusual discharge from your private parts (genital or bum), itching or stinging when you pee, or sores, blisters or rashes in your private parts (genital or bum). If you have any symptoms, get a sexual health check-up.
If you are HIV positive, getting regular blood tests to check your HIV viral load doesn’t mean you are getting tests for other STIs. You should ask your doctor to test for the full range of STIs.
You can ask to receive free and confidential e-mail or SMS reminders to go for a sexual health check-up, using the Remind Me service on this website.
We acknowledge and pay respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which we work.
Vaccination can prevent mpox and is available for anyone at high risk of infection. This includes men who have sex with men, sex workers, health workers and anyone who may be in contact with a person infected with mpox. Please contact your nearest ACCHO or Sexual Health clinic for advice. See factsheet for more information.